Thank you for visiting our website and giving me the opportunity to tell you about myself and my business, Interlacements Yarns. My name is Keli Potter, I live on a small farm in Northeast Wisconsin with my husband, Brian, our 3 teenage children and our numerous farm animal friends. Outside of dyeing yarn, my activities include knitting, shepherding my small flock of sheep, spending time with family, and running our home. On our farm we have a small flock of Lincoln and Blue Faced Leister sheep, horses, chickens, our trusty farm dog, Kit, and a few friendly kitties.

I purchased Interlacements from the former owner, and my dear friend, Tracey Schuh in the fall of 2022. Although I had dabbled and played with dyeing yarn before this, Tracey taught me the Art of dyeing clear, vibrant, repeatable colorways on different fibers and bases! I am so blessed to have the opportunity to make yarn, color and fiber shows my job and I am always happiest when I’m up to elbows in wool (whether its cuddling my sheep, in a dye pot of colorful yarn, or snuggled head to toe in all my handknits!)

My goal at Interlacements Yarns is to provide beautiful yarns so you, our customers can create and enjoy handknits, crochet items and woven fabrics of your own. I feel like so much of our days are spent in the hustle and bustle of life and its so important to take time to slow down and be creative; to make things with our own hands that we can be proud of. Knitting for me has been about just that… as a stay at home mom of 3, most of what I do is quickly gone…dinners are eaten, clean dishes are used, muddy boots quickly muss up freshly cleaned floors….but when knitting a sweater I created something beautiful, something that lasts, something that’s mine, that I can wear and keep and enjoy. I hope that resonates with some of you other Makers out there….that is why I LOVE knitting, that is why I’m so blessed and grateful that I can create yarn that other Makers can use to feed their own creativity.

Here at Interlacements, we strive to find yarns that are unique and fun! Our lovely Zig Zag and Baby Rick Rack rayon yarns take color in a lovely, almost iridescent way. And talk about drape, they work up into the most luxurious, drapey fabric!! And as a shepherdess myself, I love wools for their natural warmth, bounce, squish and vivid color saturation. We offer a variety of weights and types of yarns so it’s easy to find the perfect yarn for your next project! And we can’t forget our spinners out there… we offer a variety of scrumptious roving braids in our signature vivid colorways so you can create your own handspun yarns!
I’m thankful you have chosen to check out my website, purchase my yarns, support my small business and join me on this incredible fiber adventure!
Love, Keli